City of Dreams
The story follows Jesús (Ari Lopez), a young farmer in rural Mexico who dreams of playing for Club Puebla, his local soccer team. With the promise of training at a soccer camp in Los Angeles, Jesús Read More

About the Film

The story follows Jesús (Ari Lopez), a young farmer in rural Mexico who dreams of playing for Club Puebla, his local soccer team. With the promise of training at a soccer camp in Los Angeles, Jesús is convinced by his father to leave home, but he soon discovers that he's been sold to a sweatshop run out of a decrepit mansion in downtown Los Angeles. Jesús is subjected to the grueling eighteen-hour work schedule dictated by El Jefe (Alfredo Castro), a boss who promises freedom for those who complete their quotas, and whose brutality is motivated by his own desperation to provide for his family back in Mexico. Despite all, Jesús finds solace in Elena (Renata Vaca), a girl who was similarly betrayed and sent to America under the guise of attending a fashion school. When Elena goes missing and another co-worker Carlitos (Diego Calva) is severely beaten for confronting El Jefe, Jesús realizes his only way out is a daring escape.
City of Dreams
96 min
Mohit Ramchandani
United States
United States English

Creative Team

Creative Team

Director Mohit Ramchandani
Writer Mohit Ramchandani
Cast Ari Lopez
Cast Renata Vaca
Cast Alfredo Castro
Cast Paulina Gaitan
Cast Jason Patric
Producer Mohit Ramchandani
Producer Rufus Parker
Producer Jon Graham
Producer Matt Diezel
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