The Film
In a world where greed and corruption run deep, Dirty Coin probes into the underbelly of finance, crime, and rebellion. The film follows a group of outliers who, weary of the broken system, found bitcoin—a mysterious new currency that promises freedom but comes at a cost. As bitcoin miners battle corrupt governments, environmental myths, and mainstream misinformation, the line between revolution and destruction becomes razor-thin. With regulators circling and temperatures rising, the stakes have never been higher.
Is bitcoin a people's army, decentralising power and dismantling the weaponisation of money, dethroning corrupt governments—or just another mirage in a desert of broken promises? Dirty Coin pulls no punches in exploring whether bitcoin mining can truly reshape the future, or if it’s destined to be misunderstood forever.
Can bitcoin really be the answer, or is it just another illusion?
In a world where greed and corruption run deep, Dirty Coin probes into the underbelly of finance, crime, and rebellion. The film follows a group of outliers who, weary of the broken system, found bitcoin—a mysterious new currency that promises freedom but comes at a cost. As bitcoin miners battle corrupt governments, environmental myths, and mainstream misinformation, the line between revolution and destruction becomes razor-thin. With regulators circling and temperatures rising, the stakes have never been higher.
Is bitcoin a people's army, decentralising power and dismantling the weaponisation of money, dethroning corrupt governments—or just another mirage in a desert of broken promises? Dirty Coin pulls no punches in exploring whether bitcoin mining can truly reshape the future, or if it’s destined to be misunderstood forever.
Can bitcoin really be the answer, or is it just another illusion?
Alana Mediavilla
Puerto Rico