Streaming Pistachio Wars
As Los Angeles burns, everyone wants to know…what’s behind these fires? How can such a big and wealthy city in California so easily go up in flames?

Investigative journalist Yasha Levine and filmmaker Rowan Wernham take a roadtrip into the dark heart of the California Dream. They look at the system and the people that have allowed unchecked development to rage across the state, creating mega-cities and mega-farms.

At the center of the story is Stewart and Lynda Resnick. They’re billionaires. They live in the flashiest mansion in Beverly Hills. And they have a monopoly on the pistachio trade.

They’ve taken control of California's water—draining rivers, building plantations
Available To Stream : From Sat, Jan 11, 2025 to Mon, Jan 20, 2025
Start watching within 30 days,
72 hours to finish.
Rent for $6.99 for 30 days
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Special Mention
Ji Hlava

Streaming Pistachio Wars

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How to View

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Stream the film any time during the screening period.

How to View

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Instantly receive a direct link to watch the Film.
Stream the film any time during the screening period.

The Film

As Los Angeles burns, everyone wants to know…what’s behind these fires? How can such a big and wealthy city in California so easily go up in flames?

Investigative journalist Yasha Levine and filmmaker Rowan Wernham take a roadtrip into the dark heart of the California Dream. They look at the system and the people that have allowed unchecked development to rage across the state, creating mega-cities and mega-farms.

At the center of the story is Stewart and Lynda Resnick. They’re billionaires. They live in the flashiest mansion in Beverly Hills. And they have a monopoly on the pistachio trade.

They’ve taken control of California's water—draining rivers, building plantations in the middle of a desert, leaving a trail of environmental collapse.

Water heists, towns ravaged by drought, farms built on oil fields, mass extinction, suburbs without end, and…war with Iran. Welcome to California. Welcome to the Pistachio Wars.
Pistachio Wars
72 min
Yasha Levine, Rowan Wernham
New Zealand


“Plays like a Chinatown for the age of global warming — complete with mystery, political corruption and at the center of it, the question we've confronted since civilization began: who gets the water?”

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you purchase a ticket you may stream the video anytime within the viewing window. Once you press play, you will have a limited window during which to view the Film - typically this is 72 hours, but can vary according to a Filmmaker's settings.
After you complete your purchase, you’ll receive a link to watch Pistachio Wars in your email inbox.
We have has provided their highest quality video file for your enjoyment, which you’ll view on GATHR’s virtual watch page with video controls, including a fullscreen button, and more.
Yes, we encourage you to share this link widely so others can purchase their own rental!
Using a Smart TV with an internet connection, the simplest way to stream content from your computer or other device is by hooking up an HDMI cable. Connect your device directly to your TV or, via wireless (Chromecast, Roku, Apple TV, etc.) and you are ready to stream the film.
Your film won’t play until the screening period begins. If your film still won’t play within the screening period, please reload your browser and try again. If this doesn’t solve the issue, restart your device and try again. If after trying the above, and you still are not able to watch, contact [email protected].
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