Streaming System Change - A story of growing resistance
In Partnership With Southern Cross Films
Two thousand cops challenge two hundred tree squatters in an ancient forest in the middle of Germany that is to make way for a nonsensical motorway. The political and legal struggle against the construction of this motorway has been going on for forty years, but now the state, on behalf of the federal government, has decided to wrestle it out - against all resistance. The drama around the eviction of the forest squatters from the environmentally sensitive Dannenröder Forest forms the common thread of a film about the dashed hopes of the younger generation for a better future. It revolves around their growing anger, the ignorance of politicians in the face of the greatest crisis ever upon ma
Available To Stream : From Sat, Mar 22, 2025
Start watching within 30 days,
48 hours to finish.
Available on Sat, Mar 22, 2025 at 7:00 PM EDT
Venice Film Festival
Riviera International Film Festival R.I.F.F.
Official selection
Official selection
Florence Film Awards
Offizial selection
Mountain Film International Film Festival
Faro International Film Festival
Official selection
Films for Future International Film Festival, Zurich
SIFF Seattle International Film Festival
Official selection
Montreal Independent Film Festival
Innsbruck Nature Film Festival
Official selection
Globale Mittelhessen
Barcelona Indie Awards

Streaming System Change - A story of growing resistance

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How to View

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How to View

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Stream the film any time during the screening period.

The Film

Two thousand cops challenge two hundred tree squatters in an ancient forest in the middle of Germany that is to make way for a nonsensical motorway. The political and legal struggle against the construction of this motorway has been going on for forty years, but now the state, on behalf of the federal government, has decided to wrestle it out - against all resistance. The drama around the eviction of the forest squatters from the environmentally sensitive Dannenröder Forest forms the common thread of a film about the dashed hopes of the younger generation for a better future. It revolves around their growing anger, the ignorance of politicians in the face of the greatest crisis ever upon mankind, and the seemingly indestructible strangehold of capital interests over supposed intentions to build a sustainable future.
In the more than 50 years since the Club of Rome report, countless international conferences have produced nothing but tons of printed paper, ghost protocols, broken promises and vague commitments to concrete agreements that are gathering dust in air-conditioned archives around the world. Nothing has changed. The solution to the well-known problems relating to climate change is technically possible, but the fundamental and urgently needed social change does not seem to be able to win a majority
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System Change - A story of growing resistance
90 min
Klaus Sparwasser

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After you complete your purchase, you’ll receive a link to watch System Change - A story of growing resistance in your email inbox.
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