Based on my published book Wake The Hell Up Sleeping Beauty, I speak about the 6 chapters in this mini-book I wrote. This book has also become a 6-month online program made for women as part of The Rosey Life. The topics include changing your perspective of a fairy tale life from wishing one to creating one. Learning how to be successful in a career with an edge while maintaining your feminine and sweet side, clarifying what prince charming is for you and how to meet him and keep him, learning you are not the evil witch when you are just trying to be focused, fall in love with who you are and allow others to fall in love with you just the way you are. Learn why people tend to be angry, controlling as a way to guard yourself against being hurt and more.
Speak about making the topic of Self Confidence easy to do by being yourself. Learn easy ways to boost your self-confidence, self-worth, learn to trust in yourself by being your weird, quirky unique self.