The aSTEAM Village National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Jr. Chapter are excited to support "UnCharitable," a powerful documentary available for streaming starting June 1.
The film's Director Stephen Gyllenhaal, Producer Meredith Blake and DanPallotta are designing a campaign to implement the ideas in the film in five target cities, still to beselected.
The first goal is to get as many people to see the film as possible.
Based on the book, “UnCharitable,” by Dan Pallotta, film follows stories of four iconic American charitable efforts that were crippled or destroyed old ideas. Step-by-step, and with a chorus leading voices in field, the movie shows how charity’s real power has been misunderstood undermined anachronistic ideas about frugality deprivation takes viewer journey from sackcloth ashes to place where unleashed, charities can play role creating an unimaginably beautiful world works for everyone.
#UnCharitableMovie #aSTEAMvillage