Led by director Drew Denny and an all-survivor crew, SURVIVOR MADE transforms the narrative of gender-based violence—from stories of pain to stories of possibility. Set in L.A. during the holiday season, the documentary follows six survivors as they pursue entrepreneurial dreams, navigate rich family lives, and work toward a collective holiday sales goal at Gifted, a survivor-owned and operated marketplace.
After the 90-minute film, join FreeFrom and the National Domestic Violence Hotline for a talkback moderated by Crystal Justice, Chief External Affairs Officer at The Hotline, alongside the cast and crew—all survivors themselves.
Backed by Executive Producers Alok Vaid-Menon, Debbie Millman, Nava Mau, and Roxane Gay, SURVIVOR MADE reveals the abundant potential of investing in survivor wealth and healing.
*Doors open at 6:50pm.