FILM FESTIVAL MASTERY: Get into the right festivals and advance your career
Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 2:00 PM EST
1 hr
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We saw so many of our talented friends who couldn't seem to crack the festival circuit despite having incredible films. With Jon's experience as a festival director (Slamdance, AFI, Santa Barbara) and Justin's experience of screening at nearly 100 film festivals, we set out to provide the gold standard in festival training so that good films - like yours - have success on the circuit.
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Hey, filmmakers!

It's common knowledge that the success of an indie film can be heavily influenced by whether or not a film has a successful festival run.

If your film makes even the tiniest of splashes, it can lead to distribution, sales, financing, representation, connections, exposure/street cred, and future (paid!) gigs.

That's a pretty bad-ass list, right?!?

The problem is that so many filmmakers don't know what they don't know and they end up sabotaging their own film, killing its chances of making an impact on the circuit!

You may spend THOUSANDS of dollars on submissions, but because you're not "an insider," it seems like a huge waste - especially if you can't tell whether an actual programmer even watches your screener!

Plus, the events of the last two years have completely changed the film festival landscape.

Bottom line: everything you know about film festivals may need some updating...

So here's where FILM FESTIVAL MASTERY comes in:

Slamdance co-founder Jon Fitzgerald & festival-winning filmmaker Justin Giddings have teamed up to break down the insider secrets to maximizing your film festival experience - on a budget AND in the context of this industry-shifting pandemic.


  • How to get into top-tier film festivals (and determine which ones are the actual "top-tier" fests for your specific film...)!
  • One simple trick to saving $1000+ on submission fees - without begging programmers for freebies & handouts!
  • How to ensure your film has the highest chance of being seen by the ACTUAL festival decision-makers! No more wondering if your film was even watched!
  • How to leverage your festival experience to secure distribution & push your career forward! So when you do get in, you make the most of it!
  • BONUS: How to maximize your film's festival run post-strike!
  • Live Q+A!! Pepper us with questions related to film festivals, filmmaking, and even film financing!

Whether you have a completed film or the rough outline of a good movie idea, it's never too early to be incorporating a solid film festival strategy into your process.

We invite you to register using the button to the right! Can't wait to meet you!

Got any questions you want us to try to cover? Email them to [email protected]!


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Ticket sales ended on March 6, 2024 for this Event.