Monthly Sister Circle
Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 3:00 PM EDT
2 hrs

Come and join a circle of sisters, of women, who choose to know and care for themselves. You deserve a space to simply show up and be you. Sister circles are your chance to come as you are and receive the gifts of acceptance and nourishment.

Each sister circle will have a theme and an agenda.

The circle agenda will generally follow the below (slight variation may happen from circle to circle):

* Set circle intention

* Open the circle with a blessing and innvocation

* Share what circle is and our agreements

* Hold a group share

* Celebrate our share with movement

* Anchor our truth with a ritual

* Close the circle


I am looking forward to circling with you. 

Please come at 3 for some snacks. Circle will begin at 3:15.


>>>> From others who have attended Karen's Circles:

Karen is a truly gifted Circle facilitator and I would encourage any Sister to go and experience her Sistership Circles. Karen brought a totally new and powerful way for me to consider my relationship to money which has shifted my perspective powerfully!!! I also felt very healed and was able to step into my power through the visualisation and embodiment practice whe offered. Her passion for life and Circle is real and tangible; such a tonic to connect with this energy in a safe and caring space which she skillfully created.  ~ Sarah C Langford
I had the pleasure of being part of Karen’s Circle last night and it was amazing! Karen has this lovely way of making you feel safe and free to open up and share but also her sense of caring and fun makes the whole experience one I would love to be a part of again. If you’re wondering about joining a circle, then I highly recommend joining this one. ~ Claire Gratton

Who is your host?

I am a fierce advocate for remembering the power and truth each of us hold in our core. It's my purpose to give that power light and space, especially within our corporate environments. It's time to balance the dominant masculine energy (aka The Patriarchy) with a solid, consistent dose of feminine energy. Yes, this language might make you uncomfortable. And that's OK. That's the beginning of change. What you do with the discomfort is the key. I strongly believe that in order for Corporate Environments to thrive (which is not happening today), they absolutely must rebalance how they operate. This starts with giving each and every employee the opportunity to rebalance themselves. And that's what I offer corporations the chance to provide through integrating the art of circle and somatic practice into the fabric of how they choose to operate.

I bring my Ecstatic Leadership (somatic) skills, Circle Facilitation mastery, Reiki practice, as well as over a decade of marketing, advertising, content strategy and development experience within b2b and b2c environments to the table. And, more importantly, I bring my own, lived experience walking this path of rebalancing. A practice I am deeply devoted to day in and day out.

If you have questions, you can email Karen at [email protected] or send a text to 609-865-5957.


**IMAGE: BY Myai Korf

"Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable."
~ Mary Oliver



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Ticket sales ended on August 25, 2024 for this Event.